Supportive Networking with the NOM Libraries Working Group
It was at the 2019 Nation of Makers Annual Conference (NOMCON) that some conversations heated up about the role of libraries in the national maker ecosystem. A session that included a three innovative librarians - Meredith Levine Head of Youth Services, Chattanooga Public Library, Morgan Chivers, Fab Lab Librarian from University of Texas and Sarah Nagle, Creation and Innovation Services Librarian, Miami University Libraries - and it sparked so many questions and discussion that it demanded a new way for these makers/academics/innovators to continue the discussion beyond the conference. So Nagle approached Dorothy Jones-Davis, Executive Director of Nation of Makers, to see what might be possible. What they formed is the Libraries Working Group, one of four active groups at Nation of Makers.
Nagle has led the group since 2019, now co-chaired by public librarian Cara Kouse of Greene County Public Library. Both are located in Ohio, but the group reaches library professionals nationwide. (Greene County Public Library recently became one of the seven Charter Members of the New Face of Library Makerspaces new Collective which is still in formative stages.) Since then, they have hosted periodic online meetups, called Ask Me Anythings, sometimes featuring special guests who share what’s happening in their makerspaces. It has become a great place to problem solve, share opportunities, and just get to know others who work in all types of library makerspaces. They also support a #libraries channel on the Nation of Makers Slack Account, which has around 200 members. It is a great place to reach out and ask a question of fellow librarians, and to connect to the other channels of that Slack which has 1600+ members from all different disciplines.
Nagle noted how she feels like the Libraries Working Group is filling a need for professionals, including helping her advance in her own work. “It allows me to know an amazing network all over the country. We have a core group that have been in the Libraries Working Group a long time. But it is growing now. If it weren’t for NOM and the group, my makerspace would look so different. I got so many amazing contacts and ideas from these people.”
Kouse also sees the benefit of the quick responses to questions she gets from the #libraries Slack channel. “I get so much help with technical challenges, materials, machine settings and other details that are important to me but are not easily found elsewhere. This network helps meet my needs on demand.” She also sees how this group helps libraries advocate for maker programs as a core service. “NOM gave us the platform that is so supportive. In the future we hope that librarians won’t have to work so very hard to advocate for these services.”
Jones-Davis sees the active engagement of libraries and the important role that they play in making knowledge, tools, materials and space accessible to a more diverse audience. “As makerspaces are opening back up post-pandemic, we hoping that this network can help library professionals realize they are not alone in this work, and that they can build forward momentum.”
Looking forward, the Libraries Working Group will be offering opportunities to connect and converse. The next session will be held on Wednesday, February 23 via Zoom, and will include a small group ‘speed networking’ opportunity for folks who work in library makerspaces. Here is the info to participate in this session:
Join us for the first NOM Libraries Discussion Session of 2022! This session will include small breakout “speed networking” discussions where you can meet other library makerspace organizers.
Time: Feb 23, 2022 04:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
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